Tuesday, August 21, 2012


In three words, KENYA WAS AWESOME!

I and my friend, the tireless reformer and wise master builder – Maxwell Ogaga recently embarked on our second joint “African Reformatory Exploration” and this time around, our destination was EAST AFRICA, specifically Kenya. We were both in Liberia earlier in 2012 for 7 days and what a roller coaster it was! Our Arik Air flight via Accra to Monrovia was quite ‘eventful’. At a point,  we had to activate Great Faith while the aircraft maneuvered through inclement weather, but we held our peace knowing  Jonah was not on-board this particular flight. This was not just some fun trip, but rather a purpose driven commission laid on our hearts by God and we were rest assured an innumerable company of angels were on-board so we had nothing to worry about.